You Cannot Risk Reliable Communication

Dropped calls and lost communication can be frustrating for anyone, but it can be deadly for first responders. High-quality first responder cellular boosters can ensure that everyone stays in communication.

Communication is key for first responders and the people that they serve. Dropped calls are not an option. Without reliable first responder communications, lives are in danger.

Can You Hear Me Now?

About 72% of people that make calls indoors experience slow speeds and dropped calls. While it is a hassle for the rest of the population to deal with unreliable cellular communication, it is simply not an option for first responders. First responder cellular boosters ensure that every first responder can be accessed via cell communication.

Reliable first responder wireless services are essential. Relaying information, directions, and check-ins cannot be compromised. Inconsistent cell service can mean:

  • Lost time getting to the scene.
  • Increased risk to the first responder.
  • Failure to convey critical information.

Critical communication failures are responsible for an estimated 2,000 deaths nationwide. Many cases have shown that delayed care is more likely to cause death than inaccurate care on the scene. A dropped call can mean the difference between life and death. The EMS not getting accurate information on the way to the scene because of a dropped call or losing contact with the hospital can mean the patient is lost.

No first responder gets the job done on their own. They need to be in contact with their team. Ensuring that you can continue to communicate to transfer critical information relies heavily on the first responder DAS you are using, first responder cellular boosters, and reliable first responder wireless services.

Give Them the Tools They Need

Supporting our first responders is vital to saving lives and reducing risk. Evaluating the available first responder wireless solutions can help provide the support that is needed.

Learn more about how you can better support the first responders who put their life on the line every day. The right solutions will make a difference for them and the people that they serve.